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Knockbreda Church, Belfast, NI

Knockbreda Church, Belfast, NI
Sunday service times: 10am, 11.30am & 6.30pm.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Christ the Creator

‘By Christ all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.’ Colossians 1v16-17 How does one get to know a God who cannot be seen? Answer: we can see the invisible God in Jesus Christ – the man who walked and talked in ancient Galilee. Our creator can be seen when we look at the Christ we see in the Scriptures. In fact, as God, Christ was involved in creating everything that was created. We tend to think it was only God the Father who created the world. But in the verses above we are told that God created the world by and through Christ, God the Son. We sing about this at Christmas, don’t we? ‘Lo within a manger lies, He who built the starry skies.’ The hymn is talking about Jesus Christ the creator. So from the DNA inside each of us and all the plants and flowers around us, up to the mountains of Mourne and the planets around the sun, Jesus created it all. Harvest time is a good opportunity to reflect on our creator. He is the same God who continues to provide for us today. Christ was the creator of the world at its beginning and Christ sustains and keeps the world going. In him, says the apostle Paul (v17), all things hold together. He graciously continues to uphold and sustain his creation, every moment of every day. Without him this world could not carry on for a minute. Most manufacturers do not take an interest in their goods after they have sold them. When you buy a new washing machine, you will not find the manufacturer constantly enquiring about how it is running! Christ on the other hand manufactures the world, shares it with us, and then goes on to look after it. He has a continuing interest in the goods. The cosmos, the world, depends on Jesus for its continuing existence. It is due to him that we have a harvest to be thankful for each year. All things have been created by him and for him. And that includes you and me. We have each been made for Christ. We therefore have an obligation to acknowledge him as our creator, to thank him for our creation and to worship him. But we can only do this properly when we have turned to him in repentance and faith. Have you acknowledged Jesus Christ personally as your creator and ruler? Harvest time is a reminder to be thankful to the Lord. He has given us every good thing in this world to enjoy. The gratitude he requires is our commitment to him as Lord and Saviour.

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